• London

    London, Where Tradition, Culture And The Future Meet.

    London city view with Big Ben London city view with Big Ben


Big Ben, Westminister Abbey, Covent Garden, Camden Market, Trafalgar Square. The list goes on. When it comes to one of the most exciting cities in the world, London undoubtedly tops the list. A hotbed of history, culture, politics, fashion, art, music and entertainment, London is where you’ll find some of the world’s trendiest fashion labels, hottest clubs, and hippest neighbourhoods.


The local currency in London is the Great British Pound (GBP).

Based on trip type, your average daily budget would be
Budget – 140 GBP
Standard – 230 GBP
Premium – 510 GBP

4-star hotel

135 GBP

Taxi per km

2.20 GBP

Cup of local coffee


Standard meal

45 GBP

Offers in London

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Need help in London?

Visa’s Global Customer Assistance Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

In London, call our freephone number: 0800 1695 189

Orcall +1 303 967 1090 from anywhere in the world.

Travel tools

Tha map shows ATM locations in London

ATM Locator

  • Go to www.visa.com/atmlocator or www.visa.com/atmlocator/mobile
  • Enter a street address, city and state, or point of interest, or select ‘Locate Nearby’ on your mobile device
  • Click on ‘Directions’ to see walking or driving directions to the closest ATM
  • Specify a starting point to map a route from where you are or from your travel destination

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